Try out the best shine ever!
■MEKKING Content quantity 100ml Accessory Sparkling cleaning cloth
▼SABITORIKING Content quantity 140g Accessory Wiping cloth (half) ×1
Our products can make it easy to maintain chrome coated items.
■バイクマフラーにも使用可能! 完全硬化後200度耐えられます。ただし液パイ根元15㎝はNG
Your chrome coated items will shine forever.
■こんなピカピカバイク貴方は見たことありますか!? こんなピカピカじゃお手入れ大変だと思われたかも知れませんが、メッキングはワンコートで半年持ちますので、1年に1~2回のコーティングで。クロームメッキのお手入れが楽になります。
The best coating power ever
We provide 10 different coatings even for decollated trucks.
MEKKING can survive in sea water.
■メッキングでコーティングすれば、海水も怖くない! 1ミクロンも錆びる気配が感じられません!!(疎水効果抜群) 沖縄県の方や海沿いに住んでいる方には絶対的におススメです!
No need to worry about sea water once you put MEKKING on your items! You
will see no sign of rusting! (excellent waterproof quality) We recommend
our products especially for people who live in Okinawa or near the coasts!
You can tell the effects of MEKKING!
The product is also popular among ladies for its easy usage.
MEKKING is perfect for such cases.Rust prevention maintenance on new chrome
plating items
■クロームメッキ最大の弱点は何だと思いますか? クロームメッキはとても耐食性か良好な金属なのですが、自分の被膜(0.002μ~0.2μ)よりも大きな穴(最大8μくらい)が無数にあいています。つまり穴だらけなのが弱点なのです。クロームがさびる前この穴から下地のメッキから錆びてきます(点サビ)。逆にいいますとこの穴さえ塞いでしまえば一気に耐食性がステンレス並になるという事です。 ステンレスって錆びにくいですよね? ステンレスはクロムとニッケルの複合金属です。
There are millions of holes on a seemingly beautiful surface.
There are many large holes on a chrome coated layer (0.002~0.02μm). Each
hole has a different size. The biggest hole is around 8μm.
* MEKKING fills in those holes and puts a layer on top in a hardening process.
The product has overcome the biggest weakness of chrome plating! Chrome
plating itself is nice and durable, but the base metal that is showing
from the holes on chrome metal can start to get rusty (rust spots). Stainless
steel tends to be more resistant to corrosion, doesn’t it? Stainless steel
is a complex metal of chrome and nickel. That means if you can fill in
the holes, chrome coated items can become as durable as stainless steel.
With the help of a chrome brightening agent, you can enjoy the particular
blue glow of chrome better!
■すでにクロームメッキ部分がサビてるんだけど? ご安心ください!そんな貴方にはクロームメッキ用サビ取り剤『サビトリキング』
White rust on chrome metal can be easily removed with the products. If
you can’t remove your rust with MEKKING and SABITORIKING, the only way
you can get rid of your rust might be recoating.
White rust on chrome metal can be easily removed with the products. If
you can’t remove your rust with MEKKING and SABITORIKING, the only way
you can get rid of your rust might be recoating.
Happy feedback from users
■大満足です! YAMAHA DC1100トライクで年居てますけど光が違います。 ウルサイ仲間に、プロに出したろ!と言われた位に光ました。 O・M様
I’m super pleased with the product! My YAMAHA DC1100 (Trike) looks a lot
better now. My mates asked me if I had got my bike polished by a professional.
Mr. O.M.
■メッキングの使用感ですが光沢、質感かなりいいです。塗布ごサラサラになり光沢が生まれるのが手に取るようにわかります。毎回洗車後に塗布したいぐらいです。磨くのが好きな人にはすごくいいと思います。 塗布後ムラもなくきれいに仕上がりました(北海道 O・T様 )
The luster and feeling of MEKKING are quite good. I can tell the surface
of my car becomes smooth and shiny after application. I get tempted to
use it every time after I wash my car. This product is perfect for someone
who likes polishing their car. It can evenly spread and finish up beautifully.
(Mr. O.T. from Hokkaido)
→愛用者の声 Happy feedback from users
Q. I wiped off the surface with a metal coating cleaning product. It looks like this now, but I can’t get rid of the dullness on my metal plating. How can I fix this?
A. The gold bits on your bike are not from the dullness of the metal plating.
The chrome plating has been scraped off and the nickel metal on the base
is showing through. This is the worst case that you should avoid. A chrome
plating layer is very thin. If you scrub it too much with a metal cleanser,
the chrome plating layer starts to flake. It is impossible to fix unless
you reapply metal. The chrome plating should have been coated with MEKKING.
Q. Can I use the product for resin metal plating?
A. Of course, it works great! Plastic can deteriorate, so it needs coating.
The plastic parts are coated with metal, so our product can work as a rust
inhibitor. The product can be also used to prevent a very thin layer of
metal plating from peeling off.
Q. Does it work for evaporated metal plating/silver mirror metal plating?
A.サビトリキングはNGですが、メッキングでコーティングする事は効果大です。メッキ塗装は電気メッキに比べかなり『脆い』ので、メッキングでがっちりコーティングする事を強くお勧めいたします。メッキ塗装は脆いだけでなく、主成分がアルミ、もしくは銀なので、とても変色しやすいためコーティングする事により変色が抑えられる上にクロームの光沢剤を配合しているので、塗布後はよりクロームメッキに近づく質感が得られます。 一石二鳥なので絶対的に塗布をお勧めいたします。
A. Indeed. It works well. Actually, metal plating is more fragile than electroplating. We recommend coating metal plating with MEKKING. The main element is aluminum or silver, so it easily discolors. You can see the chrome plating look on your item after applying MEKKING, which contains a chrome brightening agent. MEKKING is a must.
Q. Can I apply the product to gold plating?
変色がしていない状態でしたら、すぐにメッキングの塗布をお勧めいたします。 クローム光沢剤が配合しており、若干ですが青光りになる傾向がありますが、高価な金の変色・剥がれる事を考えたら、絶対に塗布していただきたいです。
A. It works very effectively with gold plating. Generally speaking, gold
plating is easy to get discolored. Once it has changed it color, you can’t
really scrub it off with an abrasive cleanser on metal plating. Gold plating
layer is really thin (approximately 0.002μm), which can be easily peeled
off. Gold is extremely expensive metal, so you should do everything to
avoid such case. If your gold plating hasn’t changed its color, we recommend
you apply MEKKING. The surface tends to become slightly bluish after you
use the product, which has a chrome brightening agent. However, it is so
much better than getting your gold plating discolored or peeled off.
Q. Can I use it on chromate?
A. Of course you can. Normal zinc plating doesn’t have a thick layer. If
you cover the layer with MEKKING, the durability of the plating will significantly
Q. Can I use it on an aluminum polish?
A. It works wonders. Aluminum can easily get corroded. You need to put
several layers of MEKKING on the plating. If your item is perfectly coated
with the product, you should be able to see a drastic improvement in preventing
corrosion. However, there is a disadvantage. If there is any corrosion
under the layer of MEKKING, you will need to polish those particular parts
again, including the layer of MEKKING.
Q Can I use it on a mirror stainless surface?
A. Of course you can. Even stainless products can get rusty. MEKKING helps
your stainless items maintain their luster and prevent corrosion.
→よくあるご質問をもっと見る →more detailed information
Our product is featured on a professional magazine!Our product is featured
on a professional magazine!
■見てください! ハーレー愛好家の方々がメッキング&サビトリキングを使用してくださっています。ハーレーダビッドソン最大イベント! ブルースカイヘブン2日間でなんと! 147本売れました個売れました!
147 products were sold over the two days of Harley-Davidson Blue Sky Heaven event.
アフィリエイト大募集! ≪メッキング&サビトリキング≫を広めてくれる方募集しております。
■なんとケミカルランキングで1位になりました! (バイクブロス)
It is No.1 in the chemical ranking on Bikebros website
■メッキングがさらにバージョンアップ! (付属の最鏡クロスを1枚→2枚に変更)
■MEKKING has improved! (the accompanying cloth is different)
■メッキングとは!?・・・ガラス皮膜をワックス感覚で塗布するケミカルです。 クロームメッキ自体は酸化しにくい金属なのですが、目に見えない無数の穴(最大8μくらい)があいており、そこから点錆が発生し、最後にはメッキが浮き上がってくるのです。ですので、その穴を埋めながらコーティングすることにより、耐食性が飛躍的に向上します。(クロームメッキの最大の弱点を克服!)
■What is MEKKING? It is a chemical that can be applied as though it is
a wax. Chrome metal plating itself is difficult to oxidize. However, there
are millions of invisible holes on the surface where rust spots can emerge.
Eventually the chrome metal coating comes off. Our product fills in the
holes as it covers up the surface of the plating. This leads to a drastic
improvement of durability. (The biggest weak point of chrome metal plating
has been solved!)
■We believe that metal plating should be protected, not polished. Abrasive cleansers, such as wax, can scrape off chrome metal plating as you try to polish your item.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
___________ ___________
クロームメッキ 0.2μ~0.02μくらい とても薄い被膜
ニッケルメッキ 5μ~100μくらい メーカーによって異なる ステンレス 単一金属
銅メッキ 5μ~100μくらい メーカーによって異なる
___________ ___________
■メッキング塗布後はワックス掛けが必要なくなります。理由ですが、 ワックスは油が主成分で金属が酸化されるよりも前に自分が酸化して金属皮膜を守るという役割ですが、油の腐食汚れが錆びの原因にもなります。(※女性の化 粧品と一緒でこまめに塗りなおさない肌荒れが起きる現象と同じ)メッキングはガラス皮膜ですので油に比べとても酸化しにくいのです。
■After you apply MEKKING, there is no need to use wax. The main element of wax is oil, which oxidizes before the metal and protects the surface of the metal. However, the dirt from corrosion of the oil can cause rust. (*It is the same process as cosmetics. If you don’t apply lotion frequently enough, it causes rough skin.) MEKKING is a glass layer, so it’s hard to get oxidized.
■Besides metal plating, you can use MEKKING for general metal products
and aluminum polish (please note that the surface becomes shiny!) .
■塗装はNG (塗膜についたからといって塗膜が溶けるわけではありません)
■You can’t use it on paintwork.
■MEKKING is useful for plastic parts with chrome metal coating. (It can
prevent thin commercial plating from peeling off.)
■If there is already rust on your plating, please apply SABITORIKING. It
gets rid of the rust without affecting chrome metal plating.
■Proudly introducing the best metal plating protectant, MEKKING, and rust
なのに粗悪なメッキのせいで、クロームメッキの素晴らしさがイメージダウンすることが堪えられなかった...... そこで!! 薄いメッキや粗悪なメッキでも、ピカピカ最鏡仕上げ&良好な耐腐蝕性を持ったメッキに置き換えるべく開発したケミカル保護被膜剤が[MEKKING(メッキング)]なのです。
■Comments from the developers of the product Many people have stopped using metal plated items because they associate metal plating with negative images, such as “it is easy to get rusty”, “it can get peeled off”, and “it’s hard to use”. The main cause of these ideas is a decline in the quality of metal plating. no matter how hard you wash it, there's nothing you can do.<< the shine that metal plating gives off is amazing. >> We couldn’t stand the fact that poor metal plating is ruining the reputation of the metal plating industry….So! A chemical proof layer agent, MEKKING was invented to polish thin or poor metal plating beautifully and change it into good durable plating
■販売元・・・NAKARAI 145-0064 東京都大田区上池台 3-7-2-C TEL03-3727-5111 FAX03-3727-5112
メッキング(内容量:100ml)&サビトリキング(140g) 価格:7,960円(税込)
Copyright cMekking All Rights Reserved.